The Benefits of Cacao
Cacao positively affects various neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and much more.

Blended Therapy and Ceremony
9 sessions combine sacred psychotherapy with meditation and ceremony

Dan was kind enough to share. Let's let him tell you in his own words.
Allison is a true ceremonialist and healer that leads with her soft feminine heart. Her ability to create and hold a safe container for expansion and growth is powerful. Her guidance and intuition is a thing of mastery and purity. I experienced a very deep and meaningful session with Allison that brought a lot of awareness and growth at a time I was in need of support and insight. I felt the gentle essence behind the cacao medicine that brought divine love and compassion to my heart. I would highly recommend working with Allison as she brings her full energy and commitment at what she does and combines that with the honor and respect she has for the sacred medicine she provides.
- Dan M.